Sunday, April 7, 2024

$1 million heist: Police search for thieves

Police in the US are searching for suspects responsible for a $1 million heist from a jewellery store in New Jersey.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Grey areas: Jewellers operating without a store

The retail landscape is constantly evolving and significant change occurred during the global pandemic. That was especially true for the jewellery industry, which saw some notable changes that required a comprehensive review of the sector.

Going it alone: Why is Queensland different?

Like most comprehensive studies, the 2024 State of the Industry Report uncovered a range of unexpected insights which were worthy of closer examination. One notable discovery was that, over the past decade, Queensland's number of jewellery stores  decreased dramatically more than any other state. Why?

Jewellery industry survey: Surprising results!

While this study deals with facts and figures, businesses are owned and managed by people. What do jewellers and suppliers say about the past, present, and the future? The 2024 State of the Industry Report included two surveys - one of retailers and the second of industry suppliers. The results were intriguing.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Jewellery Chain Stores: Full steam ahead

The fine jewellery chain stores have fared well over the past decade but consolidation could be on the horizon as the 'big fish' look for new customers via brand differentiation.

Independent Jewellers: Still prospering despite a decline

It’s been said that one man’s misery is another man’s fortune. This philosophy may serve the jewellery industry well in the wake of a significant decline in independent retailers.

Smash and grab: Criminals tunnel into jewellery store

Thieves targeting a jewellery store in the US have resorted to creative and costly methods.