Thursday, December 30, 2021

2021: The Year of the Pink Diamond – 12 of the Best

As each year ends, Jeweller reviews our editorial over the past 12 months, analysing the most popular content, and examines industry trends in an attempt to anticipate the coming year.

Google to go head-to-head with Apple for smartwatch market

Eight years after confirming that it was entering the watch market, albeit via Android Wear – an extension of the Android operating system into wearable technology – rumours are rife that Google is about to launch its own smartwatch under the Pixel brand.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Costco's diamond and jewellery sales boom; history in the courts

When Costco opened its first Australian store in 2009, few people would have believed that the US-style, large-format supermarket chain would offer diamonds and jewellery among the meat and vegetables aisles, let alone that they would become a major product range.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Lucapa sees Merlin as Australia’s biggest diamond producer

The acquisition of Merlin Diamond Mine by Lucapa Diamonds is expected to be the biggest commercial diamond mining operation in Australia with a targeted yield of 153,000 carats per year when it begins full-scale production in 2024.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Laughter and legacy: a tribute to Peter W Beck

Australia lost a luminary of the jewellery industry on 6 December when Peter Beck passed away. While the word ‘legend’ is bandied around all too often these days, in Peter’s case it is more than fitting.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Australian jeweller celebrates five stores with gala evening "to remember"

The old adage, when the going gets tough, the tough get going came to light throughout the past two years. Not content with riding out the global pandemic one independent jeweller expanded his store count regardless of the difficulties during COVID-19.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Gold earring discovery sheds light on Viking trading routes

The unexpected discovery of a rare 11th-century gold earring buried in a field in West Jutland, Denmark could help shed light on whether the Vikings acquired intricate jewellery during their legendary journeys.